Fun Activities to Do at Home

Read a Story, Take a Quiz and Collect Points

What's happening in the news?  Time for Kids will keep you up-to-date.  Lots of fun games and activities.

Exploratorium's Hands-on Science Activities
Become a science explorer and try these fun activities.

Great activities and interesting articles are located at Weekly Reader

Computer Capers
Fun activities using computers for kids and parents together. Word processing, spreadsheets, etc.

Take a Math Challenge at Figure This.  A different math challenge each week.

Keep learning all year long with
 Enchanted Learning's Activity Calendar

Giggle Poetry
Fun poetry and limericks to read and even poetry contests.

Play math games and explore brain benders at Cool Math for Kids.

Louisiana PASS
Practice Skills Needed for LEAP

Become a detective, solve a mystery at MysteryNet
